STAND OUT Ready to Use Hydrophilic Intermittent Catheter TAKE IT FOR A SPIN! CONTENTS BULLY PULPIT CONTRIBUTORS LETTERS INDEPENDENCE NEWS Photo courtesy of the Mayo Clinic Helping Families be Families. MV-1 is the only mobility vehicle CHAPTER NEWS EVERYDAY ADVOCACY Introducing a new soft, SCI LIFE EAT WELL, LIVE WELL HOW WE ROLL CAN\U2019T LIVE WITHOUT \U00A9 2017 Wellspect HealthCare, a DENTSPLY Sirona Company. All rights reserved. 73106-US-1704 SLOVENIA: Medieval days starting as an outpost during Roman occupa- Ljubljana and SCI Research around Lake Bled is almost completely wheelchair accessible ex- a golf course, walking trails and excellent cuisine. and chambers, which is served by a train. Visitors with mobil- STARTING THE ROLL: in \U2014 many of whom were unfamiliar folks and not feel isolated and alone deal- \U201CI really love kayaking,\U201D says activity you loved prior to your disabil- also with Rochester Accessible ing career. Shortly a\U017Fter she bought a used \U201CWilderness Inquiry MAKING THE MOST OF THE OUTDOORS IN MADISON rigged a chest-mounted chin control for \U2022 Bionix power assist for handcycles, DO YOU HAVE A RELIABLE SOLUTION TO YOUR BOWEL PROGRAM? TEMPERATURE tion. We (I have a C7-8 mostly complete some getting too hot (or too cold) them on. But if you don\U2019t keep rotating he gets overheated. He does his outdoor A better Sebastian to go: no long-term care facility, no acces- pounds. He tried to push on his handcycle MOTORVATION Left: Rory Calhoun enjoys shrimping with Did You Serving the Community RAISING A RUCKUS For 70 years, MARKETPLACE MARKETPLACE MARKETPLACE CLASSIFIEDS CRIP BUZZ SHOULDN\U2019 T BE 20\U00BA OF
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